Title Agents: Finding Your Target Audience
October 7, 2022Who is your target audience? It seems as if this would be an easy answer, right? Everyone that is buying, selling, or facilitating a real estate transaction – but it’s more complex than that. Each and every title agent has their own culture, systems, and way of communicating to the client. This creates opportunities to engage clients who have similar values.
As our neighborhoods and communities become more diverse with generations, cultures, and education, we should really be focusing on who our main target audience is that we want to reach. Is it the millennial real estate agent? Could it be the investor clients who can leverage cash in any market? Is it the communities that may speak other languages? Is the luxury market an untapped opportunity in your area? Are you a thought leader on a specific topic like compliance or FIRPTA?
These are all questions you can continue to ask yourself. Finding your target audience can be time consuming, but the payoff is well worth it. When you know who you are looking for, your messaging, marketing becomes simpler and more efficient. You have a clear path to conversion and can meet that audience with confidence and ease. It gives you the ability to care about what they care about and to create an atmosphere of collaboration and understanding from the start.
When you know your audience, your audience knows.
If you are needing help finding your target audience, reach out. It is a deeper conversation than just choosing one and running with it. Your MTDs and WFG Sales Teams are here to help. Check out some fun ways to engage your target audience once you find one, here.
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